Karen Richardson

Tell us a little bit about your career history
I worked full time in a factory for 31 years after leaving school and decided I needed a career change so became a receptionist for a big name hotel chain where I stayed for two and a half years. I enjoyed the work but in Hospitality it’s shifts over 7 days and open 365 days a year so again a change was needed and I joined a local Dental Practice as receptionist in 2008.
How long have you worked at Queensway?
I joined Queensway Billingham in July 2011 and then came to Darlington Oral Surgery in August 2012
What do you enjoy most about working for Queensway?
I enjoy meeting people from all walks of life and find it easy to converse with patients whilst they are in the waiting area. This is sometimes beneficial to the Surgeons as the patients are sometimes a lot more relaxed when they enter the surgery for treatment.
Where would a patient usually find you in the practice?
Front of House Reception Desk.
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
When a patient is extremely nervous I try to talk to them before treatment about anything & everything, to try and take their mind off what is about to happen– When that patient comes out of surgery smiling and happy saying “Thank you” it makes me feel that I helped them in some way.
What do you enjoy doing out of work?
Spending quality time with family & friends, nice long walks and reading.
What makes you smile?
My family, sunshine & holidays.