Dr Matt Dorman
Specialist in Oral Surgery
Dip SED, BDS (Hons) (Ncl), FDSRCS, FFDRCSI (Oral Surgery)

I qualified with an Honours degree from Newcastle University wining the prize of the BDA for the best performance in finals in 1997. I completed my Vocational training in Yarm then moved into Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. First as a SHO in Newcastle then in Middlesbrough. I was awarded my FDS from the Royal College of Surgeons in England in 1999.
I worked for 9 years at Sunderland Royal Hospital as a Staff Grade then Associate Specialist In Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
I qualified as a Specialist in Oral Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland in 2003 and was then entered on to the GDC Specialist list in Oral Surgery.
As well as Oral Surgery I have a special interest in sedation, I teach, lecture and Examine Conscious Sedation at Newcastle University. I have published a number of papers in peer reviewed journals. Currently I am involved in research using Conscious Sedation to treat young people for Surgical Orthodontics as an alternative to general anaesthesia.
How long have you worked at Queensway?
I started my career at Queensway in January 2001 providing Saturday Oral Surgery sessions. In 2009 I joined the team full time as Clinical lead for QTOSS - Queensway Teesside Oral Surgery service.
What do you enjoy most about working at Queensway?
Working with our great team of caring dental professionals.
Where would a patient find you?
Oral Surgery Department at Billingham, lecturing in Sunderland or Examining on the Diploma in Consciousness Sedation at Newcastle University.
Most rewarding part of your job?
Managing anxious patients who go away far more comfortable about dental care including oral surgery (which is considered a cause for worry) than when they were referred.
What do you enjoy doing out of work?
Spending time with family and friends. Keeping healthy, By running, squash, HIIT workouts and hiking in the hills.
What makes you smile?
A run on a frosty winter morning...