Queensway Stars
Following an accident when she was younger, Barbara’s front top and bottom teeth overlapped, which impacted her confidence. She rarely smiled showing her teeth and used to dislike having her photo taken….But not anymore!
Her Queensway journey began when she needed to have a tooth removed and was discussing options for replacement work with her family dentist. He suggested considering orthodontic work as a way of not only managing the issue with the loss of the tooth, but at the same time having her teeth straightened to get the perfect smile that she had always wanted.
Barbara said:
My dentist recommended a few orthodontic practices and following research into each and reading online reviews and testimonials, I decided to have a free consultation at Queensway."
"I was impressed from the start by the staff. They were professional, courteous and helpful. At my first visit I was introduced to Specialist Orthodontist Dr Guy Deeming who explained what the options were in terms of straightening my teeth. He outlined the whole process from start to finish, what braces entailed, what to expect and the timelines."
As the process involved the removal of teeth and other cosmetic work, Barbara also had a consultation with dentist Dr Paul Averley who advised how he could complete her smile makeover once Dr Deeming had concluded his work.
Barbara added: “I liked many things about Queensway which helped make my decision to go ahead an easy one, a plus for me was that it was all on one site – the team worked hand-in-hand which made everything easier – from booking my appointments to treatment planning. There also wasn’t a hard sell or push to sign up for the treatment, they took the time to explain their recommended treatment plan and gave alternative options with costs – everything always felt very open and honest.”
“I had ceramic fixed braces for around 26 months, during that time two upper teeth were removed creating spaces which were then filled as my teeth moved. Following the removal of the braces, I had whitening treatment, cosmetic crowns fitted and composite bonding on upper and lower teeth to restore them following years of grinding my teeth.”
“I’m absolutely thrilled with my smile, I had a vision in mind as what the end result may look like and it has surpassed every expectation. It has been such a transformation. It’s made me more confident and I openly smile now without being self-conscious. This has been noticed and commented on by friends and family and I only wish I had looked into doing this years ago.”
The service was excellent, I cannot sing the praises of Guy and Paul highly enough. Through their professionalism and expertise, they made the two and half years of treatment as easy and manageable as possible. I must extend this praise to all staff, as whoever I came into contact with, they were genuinely nice, friendly and supportive – they very clearly enjoy working at Queensway, which makes a big difference.”
“I would highly recommend Queensway and for anyone considering complex treatment – take a look at the success stories of the many happy individuals, of which I am pleased to say I am now one!”

Smile Gallery

Fixed braces, teeth whitening and composite bonding tips

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